Lagom doesn't have a direct translation to English. It's tough to find lagom things in life, but when you've found it, you know. Much like in real life, i've found that the same holds true in my short time in the software world.
I've had friends tell me about companies with 163 microservices maintained by 3 devs serving no more than a few 1000 site hits per day. Meanwhile, Gwern has exposed drug rings and correctly predicted the AI boom all through simple HTML.
Why? Because Lagom is hard. Stripping things down takes thoughtful consideration and building strong conviction about the things we do. We (myself included) aren't good at this (yet). As a result, we're often left with a lot of stuff that we don't need.
I built this page to help me think about what i do and don't need. But to remind myself that i'm not good at this (yet), i thought it be funny to write a static page using nextjs.
Collection of things i've spent time on
/chezdodds/lagom .
/chezdodds/!lagom ├─ nestment │ ├─ working on a feature for a month that got 6 site hits │ ├─ ai generated rust │ └─ any email i sent over 6 sentences ├─ p&g │ ├─ ridiculous powerpoint decks │ ├─ crappy excel models │ └─ All VizQL i've ever written ├─ causalkit │ └─ spending 100+ hours on a package i didnt even deploy to pypi └─ rugby ├─ 2 a days for basically 8 years └─ literally hitting people
Interesting Reads
I read, a lot. Most of it is useless fluff but every now and again i come across something worth reflecting on.
- Pursuits that cant scale by Anu Alturu
- Attention is your secret resource by Ben Kuhn
- Attention is off by one by Evan Miller
- This lovely piece by Nikhil Suresh